Out Of Place

Illustrative print campaign that aims to raise empathy and awareness for homelessness in Halifax, Nova Scotia.


Campaign Design and Illustrations.


4 Weeks


Adobe Indesign, Adobe Photoshop, and Procreate

"Out of Place" is an anti-homelessness campaign situated in Halifax, Nova Scotia, currently grappling with a profound housing crisis. Over the past year, homelessness in the region has doubled. Women, African Nova Scotians, Indigenous communities, and LGBTQIA2S+ individuals are among the worst hit communities. The campaign advocates for viewing unhoused individuals as neighbors, emphasizing empathy and discouraging hasty judgments and assumptions.

Visual Language

The campaign employs illustrations to infuse a human element and captivate attention. Using the metaphor of assembling a puzzle with a misfitting piece, it symbolizes the misguided assumptions people use to rationalize situations and blame those suffering.